
ABOUT the District

The Dickinson Water Control and Improvement District (the District) is a local government entity established under Chapter 49 and 51 of the Texas Water Code. The District provides drinking water, wastewater and contracted solid waste collection services to 8,700 households and businesses in the greater Dickinson area. View the District’s service boundaries.

The District is governed by a board of five directors elected at large for 4-year terms. The board meets the third Monday of the month at 2320 Falco St. in Dickinson. Learn More

The District levies a local property tax and establishes the rates and conditions under which water, sanitary sewer and solid waste services are provided to its customers. The District is also authorized to collect fees to fund the Dickinson Volunteer Fire Department. Learn More


Dickinson’s Water District is the oldest retail water district in Texas, but the Dickinson Ice & Fuel Waterworks, a private entity formed in 1922, built the community’s first water system.

The District was established in 1938 by a vote of Dickinson residents as the Dickinson Fresh Water Supply District No. 1 to provide water services. It converted to the Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 in 1939 to provide water AND sewer services. In 1995 the District adopted a DBA of The Water Company, which has since been changed to Dickinson’s Water District. In 2024 the name was formally changed to Dickinson Water Control and Improvement District to more accurately reflect the area it serves.

Sewer services began in 1941, however, the District did not purchase the water system from Dickinson Ice & Fuel Waterworks until 1950.

Due to regional land subsidence issues, the District converted from groundwater to surface water in 1983. Since then, The District has purchased treated drinking water, sourced from the Brazos River, from the Gulf Coast Water Authority’s Thomas Mackey Water Treatment Plant in Texas City.

Dickinson Ice & Fuel Co. formed in 1922 and built the community’s first water system.
Gal Cty WCID #1 office from 1952 to 1986
First water tower, located on Highway 3

Our Purpose
Provide safe and reliable drinking water, wastewater and solid waste services for the Dickinson area with exceptional customer service

Our Vision
Provide excellent customer service by investing in infrastructure improvements, proactive communication, staff development and cost efficiencies