
District Services

Water Services

The District purchases an average of 2.1 million gallons of drinking water a day from the Gulf Coast Water Authority’s Thomas Mackey Water Treatment Plant in Texas City. The District operates and maintains four water plants, 110 miles of water lines, and four emergency backup groundwater wells.

Sewer Services

The District operates a wastewater treatment plant originally built in the 1940s and expanded through the decades. The plant treats 1.8 million gallons of sewage a day and has capacity to treat up to 4.8 million gallons a day. The District also operates and maintains 34 sewer lift stations and 100 miles of sanitary sewer lines.

Solid Waste Services

The District contracts with AmeriWaste Solutions, Inc. to provide solid waste collection and disposal services. All residences and businesses within the boundaries of the District and/or within the corporate city limits of the city of Dickinson are required to use AmeriWaste services. Learn More

Curbside Recycling Services

The District’s residential customers have the option to sign up directly with AmeriWaste to receive curbside recycling services for a fee. Call AmeriWaste for details and to sign up – 281-331-8400. Learn More

Household Hazardous Waste Services

Free hazardous waste and electronics recycling services are available for the District’s residential customers by appointment at the Stella Roberts Recycling Center in Pearland. Learn More

Fire Protection Services Agreement

An agreement between the District and the Dickinson Volunteer Fire Department (DVFD) whereby fire protection fees are collected from District customers. The pass-through fees provide a steady income to the DVFD, which relies on these fees to purchase the equipment to provide firefighting services throughout Dickinson.