Solid Waste

Solid Waste Services

The District contracts with AmeriWaste Solutions, Inc. to provide solid waste collection and disposal services. For all solid waste-related questions, including missed garbage collection or damaged/missing carts, please call AmeriWaste, 281-585-3200.

Curbside Recycling Services: The District’s residential customers also have the option to sign up directly with AmeriWaste to receive curbside recycling services for a fee. Call AmeriWaste for details and to sign up – 281-331-8400. Learn More

Dickinson residents who are not within the District boundaries will need to contract with AmeriWaste for garbage services by completing the following application.

Backdoor solid waste service collection is restricted to physically challenged citizens who are sole residents at the address where service is requested, unless all other residents at the service address have disabilities which prevent them from placing waste items at the curb for collection. Download Request Form